02 March 2011

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

An 8.5x11 inch sign and quarter-page handbills helped advertise the library event.

It's Wednesday, March 2, so you know what that means...right? It's Dr. Seuss' birthday! Okay, I didn't know it myself, but thanks to the librarians who were going to celebrate it with an event, I became better a informed person. And to help them inform others, I created an 8x11 inch sign, a website banner ad, and quarter-page handbills. I heard there was going to be green eggs and ham, so considered going to grab myself a little breakfast there!

The website banner ad.

As the event was finishing up, I dropped by our Story Hour Room. One of the librarians turned to me and exclaimed that their head count revealed 100 people attended. "Good thing they were small people!" I told her. They celebrated by serving cake to all those hungry bodies. I happened to notice that green eggs and ham were conspicuously missing, and so was anyone from the health department—you know, those people who keep tabs on green eggs, ham, and stuff like that.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, you have really been busy!!!! Lots going on at your place(s). Good work. Love to see what you're doing!!!
