08 January 2015

Library Author Series Integrated Promotional Marketing Designs

Above: speaker podium signage helped to reinforce recognition and recall of the program series identity.

Project: Alachua County Library District Author Series Identity and Promotional Materials.

Brief: Establish a visual identity mark and develop integrated print and digital media marketing collaterals to promote the library's newly created speaker engagement series. 

Above: one of the seven 8.5x11 & 21x28 inch author posters.
Required collaterals (and printed quantities):
Series logo, with element variations and formats in both colour and black/white (8)
14x8.5 inch gatefold brochure (2,000)
Library website blog icon (1)
Library website banner ad, 
one per speaker (7)
Newspaper print ad, one per speaker (7)
Magazine print ad for entire series (1)
17.5x18.25 inch speaker podium sign (1)
45x45 inch library poster (1) with
one 17x11 inch author poster insert
per speaker (7)

11x17 inch mini-poster (2)
8.5x11 inch mini-posters (40 per speaker)
8.5x11 inch mini-poster for 3 speakers  
(1 .pdf for branch printing)
5.5x8.5 inch half page handbill for Steve Berry event (1 .pdf for branch printing)
21x28 inch library poster
(7 for each speaker)
14x8.5 inch author poster inserts (1) 
Two-sided 2.5x8.5 inch bookmarks
(one per speaker, in various quantities from 300 printed in-house to 1,250 printed by vendor)
Public Service Announcement broadcast media ad, one per speaker (7)
Library newsletter cover and two-page layout design (3 pages, 2,750 printed copies)
Library newsletter website blog icon (1) 
Library newsletter cover website image (1)

Top: library one of seven individual author website banner ads. Bottom, left to right: library website author series blog icon, THINK... newsletter cover library website icon, THINK... newsletter library website blog icon.

Above: 45x45 inch poster with 17x11 inch author bio insert.
Top: front and back of 14x8.5 inch gatefold brochure. Middle: THINK... newsletter cover and interior pages. Bottom: magazine print ad, author bio insert (same design for both 17x11 inch and 14.8.5 inch inserts), and front/back of bookmark concept design.
Above: TV broadcast media public service announcement.
Above: one of seven individual author TV broadcast media public service announcements.
Above: all seven bookmark fronts plus common back. Greater emphasis was placed on listing complete book titles over author and book cover photos.

One of seven newspaper print ads.

Three smaller sized newspaper print ads.

8.5x11 inch mini-poster of three speakers.

5.5x8.5 inch half page handbill for individual speaker.

01 January 2015

Library Newsletter, THINK... Winter 2015 Issue

Newsletter cover.
The library's free, 12-page winter edition of THINK... newsletter arrived in January. The issue covers quarterly news and over 800 scheduled events from January through March. A printed edition of 2,750 copies is delivered not only to all twelve library branch locations but also to select non-library businesses to extend its reach further into the community. Online copies are also available on the library's website at, http://aclib.us/news.  

Development of the newsletter begins with library staff entering their planned quarterly events into the library's electronic calendar system during a 30-day period prior to beginning the editorial production process, which in turn takes an additional 30 days of production prior to delivery of the publication to the public. Printing services are outsourced to a local printer, taking five to seven days before receipt of the printed product back to the design department for separating and shipping different quantities to the 12 district libraries and local businesses.
Library website blog icon.

Events published in the newsletter are the same as seen on the library's website calendar of events. Due to limited space in the newsletter, complete descriptive information about the events are not published, however, those details remain available on the online branch calendars.

TV broadcast public service announcement (PSA).