04 October 2011

Come Write In: National Novel Writing Month Event Promotions

The event web ad provided the tease; a caption line below provided the details.

Our High Springs library branch will be participating in the event by hosting five separate events: a kick-off party, three Come Write In events, and a concluding party at the end of the month. To help promote it, they asked for me to create an 8.5x11 inch sign, 200 handbills, 250 bookmarks, and a web ad for the library website.

One 8.5x11 inch page provided room enough for
six bookmarks to be printed with essential information.
No art was included in the request, so I pulled a public domain stock photo of a pencil and paper to be the graphic element, and incorporated the event name, location/contact information, and event information together in a simple package. I alternated colour backgrounds on the bookmarks for variety, printing six bookmarks per 8.5x11 inch page, then trimmed to size using the art room's manual paper cutter. Handbills were also created in much the same way: 4-up per 8.5x11 inch page, chopped down to size, this time using the electric paper cutter. For the web ad, the image contained only the event name and location text placed over the pencil/paper image. The supportive language would be placed under the image in a caption line on the web site.


  1. Thanks for all the great ideas you provide in your site. We've been trying some of them here at our library...not like yours, but with a similar idea. We appreciate your educational help in making our library more interesting. js
    (And I can finally get my comment posted! Yea!)

  2. Thanks and welcome to the comments section, js!
