Above: event identity utilizes a bold comic-styled iconography to catch viewer attention. |
Above: identity variation without descriptive language for use in smaller applications. |
Design brief: Establish a visual identity mark and develop integrated print and digital media marketing collaterals to promote the library's newly created annual event.
Required collaterals (and printed quantities):
Series logo, with element variations and formats in both
colour and black/white (1+)
Newspaper Save the Date print ad (1)
Public Service Announcement broadcast media ad (1)
67x63 inch library poster (1)
Handbills four per 8.5x11 page. |
21x28 inch library poster (7)
21x28 inch library book sale announcement poster (1)
21x28 inch library event floor plan poster (3)
14x8.5 inch (open) / 7x8.5 inch (closed)
8-page program guide booklet (300+)
8.5x11 inch flyer (45)
8.5x11 inch newsletter (2,500) cover
and interior page layout design (1+1)
8.5x5.5 inch Contributor Thank You Card (50)
8x2.5 inch bookmark (1,000)
Quarter page Save the Date handbill (2,000)
Quarter page handbill (1,000)
Library website blog icon (1)
Library website banner ad (1)
Library website newsletter cover 140x188px image (1)
Library website newsletter cover 100x100px
blog icon (1)
Spring newsletter cover and inside page provided event coverage. |
Top: Library website blog icon; Middle: bookmark front, back. Bottom: library website banner ad. |
TV broadcast PSA. |
Black/white newspaper ad. |
67x63 Youth Services display poster. |
78x66 Teen Services display poster. |
Design for both 8.5x11 inch sign and 21x28 inch poster. |
8-page program guide booklet. |